A Study on the Effects of Antibiotics on the Osteogenesis after the Experimental Fracture of the Rats
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With the increasing use of penicillin many side effects have beee reported. One of them is the inhibitaton of osteogenesis. From Kato's experimental studies to prevent the inhibiting effect of penicillin on osteogenesis, it was found that Vitamin K was the most effective agent for this purpose. Fifty six rats were used in our experiments. We made the closed fractofure tibia of the rats by manual method. Then the animals were divided inio the following groups.1, Control group. 2, Group with daily injection of PC-G 15000units/kg. 3, Group with daily injection of AB-PC 50mg/kg. 4, Group with daily injection of SB-PC 50mg/kg. 5, Group with daily injection of TP-G 50mg/kg. 6, Group with daily injection of PC-G 15000units/kg and VK2 5mg/kg. 7, Group with daily injection of AB-PC 50mg/kg and VK2 5mg/kg. 8, Group with daily injection of SB-PC 50mg/kg and VK2 5mg/kg. 9, Group with daily injections of TP-G 50mg/kg and VK2 5mg/kg.These antibiotics inhibits especially ossification in its early stage, while Vitamin K2 promotes ossification and negates the inhibitation of ossification by antibiotics.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
徳藤 真一郎
加茂 洋志
渡辺 誠治
鳥巣 岳彦
北野 元生
岩淵 亮
佐藤 護彦
川島 真人
大江 浩
平井 啓
川島 真人
加茂 洋志
渡辺 誠治
徳藤 真一郎
大江 浩
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