Closed Intramedurally Nailing for the Fracture of Long Bones (Especially for the Femoral Shaft Fractures)
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We have been treated the shaft fracture of lones, especially the femoral shaft fractures, by the closed intramedullary nailing, for one and a half years.From our twenty three cases of the fresh fractures treated by this method, We discussed, in this paper, about the following factors for the successful performance of the closed intramedullary nail;1) reduction of the shortening, 2) reduction of the lateral and rotatory displacement, 3) minimization of the exposure to X-rays, 4) use a nail of sufficient width.Particularly, in the case of femaral shaft frcatures, we emphasized the necessity for the overdistraction of fragments by the use of skeltal traction, in the pre-operative periods.
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