Indication and Problems of Intramedullary Nailing with Screw Fixation
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During the years 1973 and 1982, we treated 92 cases of tibial or femoral fractures by using the Kuntscher medullary nails, which were supplemented by screw fixatisus.The urpose this procedure is to avoid the rotational dislocation of the distal fragment of the fracture without loss of the advantages of the intramedullary nailing. Moreover, this procedure extended the indications for use of medullary nails. We reported the indication and the problems of this procedure.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
帖佐 博文
上田 恵亮
森田 秀穂
津村 弘
井原 秀俊
野村 茂治
加茂 洋志
松本 直之
上田 恵亮
九州労災病院 整形外科
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- Indication and Problems of Intramedullary Nailing with Screw Fixation
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