Operative Treatment of Intraarticular Fractures of the Distal End of the Humerus. T, Y and Comminuted Fracture.:T, Y and Comminuted Fracture
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Intraarticular fracture of the distal end of the humerus is rare. We prefer operative treatment for this fracture.We reviewed fifteen patients with this fracture treated operatively. In most patients, the articular surface was well reduced and the range of motion of the elbow was satisfactory. Loss of extension power of the elbow caused by cut-off of the triceps was none.Eighty percents of the patients gained satisfactory results, and especially the younger patients had good resuets.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
野村 茂治
帖佐 博文
猪原 史敏
桑野 正
九州労災病院 整形外科
河田 典久
西尾 篤人
猪原 史敏
九州労災病院 整形外科
野村 茂治
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