Report of three cases of mild osteogenesis imperfecta
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Three cases of mild osteogensis imperfecta in 8-, 9-, and 15-year-old boys are reported. The father of the 9-year-old boy experienced femoral fractures frequently in his childhood. Patients sustained fractures of their long bones or vertebrae several times early childhood. Their heights were within normal range and their eyes showed blue sclera. Cortical thinning on the diaphyses of their long bones and biconcave vertebra were recognized by X-ray without marked deformities. After a double-tetracycline-labellings histomorphometric study was performed on the iliac bone of the 8-year-old-boy, the following results were obtained: low total bone volume, high fractional resorption and osteoid surfaces, low corrected mineral appositional rate and hyperosteocytosis.
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