New splint with CPM-device in conservative treatment for the finger contracture.
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Since May, 1986, we have used a continuous passive motion unit HI-100 (Trout Medical) for post-operative care of the hand. In November, 1987, we tried to use this CPM-unit to cases of MP joint contracture for a conservative treatment and found two problems in this CPM-unit. Since this CPM-unit moves just along a simple linear line distal to proximal and proximal to distal, when we use it for a sigle joint contracted finger, this movement was used up in great percentage with normal joints. In other words, at the begining normal joints were fully flexed or extended, then a contracted joint starts to move. So, a patient cannot obtain enough motion to the contracted joint with this unit only. Another problem is lack of traction which keeps joint space and/or relieves contracture of the collateral ligaments.To overcome these problems we made a splint combined with this CPM-unit to get maximum movement to affected joint with the unit and give a traction also. Early results were encouraging and with some ideas, we believe that the CPM-device has an indication not only for post-operative care but also for pre-operative and conservative treatment of contracted joints.
宮里 剛行
安里 潤
新垣 晃
安里 潤
外間 浩
富山 聡
茨木 邦夫
琉球大学医学部 整形外科
武内 正典
伊志嶺 恒洋
新垣 晃
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