A case report of spinal arachnoid cyst.
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A Case of spinal archnoid cyst is reported. Our case is a 38-year-old man who had no complaint but showed an atrophy of quadriceps and hypesthesia of thigh. MRI showed the mass lesion behind the CSF space, and at enhanced-MRI with Gadolinium-DTPA, the lesion was not enhanced, therefore, was diagnosed as cystic lesion, MRI, myelography and CTM have been shown to be very useful tools in the diagnosis of a spinal archnoid cyst.
園田 英器
宮薗 一樹
益川 真一
大多和 聡
公立玉名中央病院 整形外科
中野 哲雄
本多 一宏
本多 一宏
堤 幸彦
福山 伸
野川 勉
宮薗 一樹
大多和 聡
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