Treatment of Pott's Palsy with Severe Kyphosis. A Case Report.:A Case Report
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A-fifty-four year old man was admitted to our hospital on June 12, 1986. He was unable to walk and had 96 degrees of kyphosis. He had suffered from tuberculosis of the spine when he was nine years old. From that time he had had no complaints although retained a level of kyphosis. Forty years later he had weakness in the lower limbs and eventually became unable to walk. Surgery for anterior debridement and spinal fusion with strut bone grafts was carried out with Halo-Pelvic traction, and followed by treatment with INH, RF, SM, EB. He was able to walk again and worked regularly after discharge. Eight years later the spine remained fused and the degree of kyphosis was 83°. Anterior decompression and fusion with strut bone grafts is a good treatment for Pott's Palsy with severe kyphosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
絹原 寛士
園田 英器
宮本 健史
鶴上 浩
藤本 徹
泉 清治
伊達 徹
土屋 立昭
伊達 徹
熊本労災病院 整形外科
林 泰夫
泉 清治
熊本労災病院 整形外科
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