Split Posterior Tibial-tendon Transfer in Spastic Cerebral Palsy.
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Twelve split posterior tibial-tendon transfer with heel-cord lengthening were performed in ten children with spastic cerebral palsy and equinovarus feet. We split the posterior tibial-tendon and transfered its posterior half laterally into the peroneus brevis tendon. The patients were followed postoperatively for a mean of 2.8 years with a range from 0.5 to 5 years. Three patients required calcaneal osteotomy and one patient required subtalar triple arthrodesis, because of fixed varus deformity.There were 10 excellent, 2 good results and were no poor result. There were no recurrence of the varus deformity, nor were any valgus or calcaneovalgus deformity produced. The split posterior tibial-tendon transfer with heel-cord lengthening is a reliable procedure to convert a spastic equinovarus foot to a plantigrade one.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
肥後 勝
吉国 長利
大迫 浩文
小城 琢朗
西百 香里
吉国 長利
鹿児島大学 整形外科
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