Operative Treatment of Coxa Vara Deformity with Leg Length Discrepancy.
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We report the experience of femoral lengthening with lowering of the greater trochanter in two cases. Femoral lengthening was performed by callus distraction using Orthofix. One case was a 13-year-old male, the other was an 18-year-old female. They had histories of CDH. Preoperative symptoms were limping, scoliosis and leg length discrepancy. Radiographically, coxa vara deformity and high greater trochanter were seen. Leg length discrepancy before operation were 42mm in both cases. 45mm and 35mm lengthening was gained postoperatively. Limping and scoliosis were improved 10 months postoperatively. Femoral lengthening by callus distraction with lowering of the greater trochanter was a satisfactory procedure for coxa vara deformity with leg length discrepancy.
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