Popliteal Artery Injuries with Knee Joint Fracture. Two case Reports.
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We experienced two cases of popliteal artery injuries associated with fracture of the knee joint.In one case, in which circulation was not resumed for 12 hours, there has been no functonal recovery of the lower extremity. In the second case, in which the ischemic time was 5.5 hours, a good result in regard to both motor and sensory function was achieved.We consider that in cases of popliteal artery injury, a good result can be achieved it the ischemic time is less than 6 hours.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
折口 信夫
鹿児島大学 整形外科
大迫 浩文
園田 昭彦
有馬 博隆
米盛 公治
酒勾 崇
酒勾 崇
鹿児島大学医学部 整形外科
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