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A rhyolite lava flow near Mt. Haneyama, Central Kyushu, gives the age of 0.53m.y. by the fission track method. This lava belongs to so-called "Haneyama lavas" which are widely distributed in Central Kyushu and have been considered to have erupted from several volcanic centres for their scattered distributions. Another Haneyama lava near Sakanashi at about 30km south of Mt. Haneyama was dated 0.41-0.50m.y. by K-Ar and fission track method (KANEOKA & SUZUKI, 1970).The radiometric ages of these two lavas suggest that Haneyama lavas nearly simultaneously erupted from the several volcanic centres.The fission track age reported in this paper will also contribute to determining the age of the upper part of Oita Group and the age of activities of the Haneyama graben.
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