五ケ所湾における冬季水温とGymnodinium nagasakiense夏季赤潮発生時期との関係〔英文〕
- 論文の詳細を見る
Water temperature and the number of Gymnodinium nagasakiense cells in Gokasho Bay were monitored for six years. The times at which cell densities of G. nagasakiense reached 1cell/ml (early growth phase) and 1×103cells/ml (red tide phase) were dependent on the mean water tem-perature in the winter (December-March). The correlation coefficient between the Julian days on which cell densities first reached 1cell/ml and the mean winter water temperature was -0.98, and that between the Julian days on which cell densities first reached 1×103cells/ml and the mean winter water temperature was -0.91. These results suggest that the timing of the early growth and red tide phases of G. nagasakiense is predictable by monitoring the winter water temperature.
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