3. 深海微生物の生態と圧力に対する応答(セミナー「ストレスと生物のレスポンス」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
World ocean covers about 70% of the earth's surface, with about 3,800m of the average depth and more than 11,000m of the deepest trench areas. Deep-sea area is characterized by low temperature, high hydrostatic pressure, low concentration of organic matter (available nutrients) and complete darkness, which restrict existence of most terrestrial and marine surface microorganisms. However, there have been finding and isolation of living microorganisms, which are called as barophile(pressure-loving microorganisms) and have probably adapted to such extreme environmental conditions with long duration of time. In this paper, characteristic nature of barophilic microorganisms so far studied has been reviewed.
- 低温生物工学会の論文
- 1993-10-20
- C-225 FISH法による東京湾海水中微生物群集の解析(遺伝子解析など-3、群集構造解析-4,ポスター発表)
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- Effects of sodium sulfide on burrowing activity of Capitella sp. I and bacterial respiratory activity in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Visual assessment of the respiring microorganisms associated with burrow structures of Capitella sp. I in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Treatment of the Organically Enriched Sediment below the Fish Farm with the Biological Activities of Artificially Mass-Cultured Colonies of a Small Deposit Feeding Polychaete, Capitella sp. I
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- 海洋におけるメタン生成 (総特集 海洋微生物) -- (3章 海洋微生物の生態)
- I. 油濁の沿岸生態系に与える影響に関する研究(水産環境保全委員会)
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- 3. 深海微生物の生態と圧力に対する応答(セミナー「ストレスと生物のレスポンス」)
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