- 論文の詳細を見る
Histological and morphometric examinations were conducted on normally fed and starved larvae of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis, a freshwater Atherinid fish, to investigate criteria for the assessment of nutritional condition. In addition, results of survival of larvae starved throughout or fed after progressively longer periods of starvation are presented. Survival of fasted larvae dropped to 50% and 0% respectively at 5.5 and 7.0 days. Survival in the delayed feeding trials decreased proportionally to fasting periods longer than one day. Feeding of comparable numbers of larvae after 4 and 5 days resulted in 43 and 0% survival respectively. Point-of-no-return (PNR) was estimated to be 3.5 days at 21.5°C. Histologically, actively feeding larvae exhibited large cyto-plasmic vacuolation in the liver, presumably glycogen storage sites; supranuclear vacuoles in the posterior intestine's epithelium; and conspicously structured pancreas. On the contrary, starving larvae displayed widespread histological degeneration especially in the digestive tract and associated glands. Extensive necrosis and vacuolar degeneration in the liver; collapse of the pancreatic acinar arrangement, and autolytic vacuolation of the hindgut were positively correlated with food depri-vation. Morphometrically, differences in upper and lower jaw lengths; body depths at the pectoral fin and at the caudal peduncle; and condition factor were found between starved and fed larvae. In the conditions of the present experiment, larvae exhibiting the degree of degeneration found after 5 days of starvation will have no likelihood of survival even if food was to become available. It is concluded that consistent changes in histological (liver, pancreas and posterior intestine) and mor-phological (condition factor and body depth at the pectoral fin) features might constitute reliable indicators of feeding status of first feeding pejerrey larvae even if age is unknown.
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