- 論文の詳細を見る
The volatile components of sardine and eel roaseted with seasoning were studied. Head-space volatiles and dichoromethane extracts of volatiles, prepared from sardine and eel roasted with and without seasoning and roasted seasning were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Hydrocarbons, carbonyls and alcohols were identifed in the volatiles of sardine and eel roasted with seasoning. The number and amount of identified hydrocarbons which are conwidered to be derived from some meat components of fish were found more in the sardine roasted with seasoning than in the eel roasted with seasoning. From the organoleptic test it seemed that the hydrocarbons were responsible to some extent, in the dodor peculiar to roasted sardine. In addititon, furfural, phenylacetaldehyde, etyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, and phenethyl alcohol were found in the volatiles of sardine and eel roasted with seasoning. As these components were found in the volaties of roasted seasoning too and have aromatic flavor, it seemed that these components were derived from the seasoning and contribued to mask the odor specific for the roasted fishes.
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- Volatile components of roasted fishes.
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- 青ジソによるマイワシ臭抑制
- GC-MS分析による焼海苔香気成分の同定