- 論文の詳細を見る
The reproductive cycles of the top shell Turbo (Batillus) cornutus in terms of gonad indices and oocyte diameter were related to histological developments of the gonad tissue, using specimen collected during the period July, 1979 to September, 1980 in Chikura coasts of Chiba prefecture, Japan.Histological observation indicated that the ovary and testis ripened from May through Septem-ber. The polygonal diagrams of egg size frequency were increased in May and dropped suddenly in September. The tendency in gonad indices was synchronous. The spawning was considered to occur in August and September. Immature group of 40-60mm in shell height in the fisheries ground had little seasonal changes in the amount of smaller oocytes and gonad indices. In larger size of 60mm in shell height, all of them had clear reproductive cycles.The relation between the fecundity (F) and the shell height (H) was shown by the formula, F=4.79×10-8×H4.82, which was calculated in the condition of the maximal gonad growth in individual shells.
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