- 論文の詳細を見る
Fish behaviour in the set-net fishing grounds of Sagami Bay was investigated with the scanning sonaz in 1983 and 1984. Two different types of set-nets were employed in those fishing grounds; one is with one trap which was set in the undulating sea bottom having a steep slope, the other was two trapped type in the flat bottom having a gentle slope. In the one trapped set-net fishing ground, the fish schools mainly approach the gear in the same direction as the current. They tend to take a migrating route along the deep and enter the set-net, On the other hand, in the two trapped set-net fishing ground, the fish schools could be observed to be entrapped into the set-net along the leader net, but not showing any certain migrating route. The designs of these set-nets were considered to be well adapted to the migrating behaviour that had been influenced by the topography of the sea bottom and the current in the fishiffg grounds.
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