- 論文の詳細を見る
The distribution of Vibrio anguillarum cells in fish challenged by live organisms was surveyed in the blood, spleen, kidney, liver, bile, and intestinal tracts, in order to explain the mechanism of the protection in fish vaccinated by immersion or injection method, and non-vaccinated fish. In the case of intraperitoneal injection with 105 cells, the organism appeared in each organ of vaccinated fish and non-vaccinated fish by 30min after challenge. The number of organisms in each organ of vaccinated fish fluctuated 10h after challenge; However, the organisms were completely eliminated 72h after challenge. On the other hand, the number of organisms in each organ of non-vaccinated fish increased with time, and all fish died by 72h after challenge. In the vaccinated fish exposed to 107 cells/ml, the challenge organism was completely eliminated from the blood within 4h, in each organ except the intestinal tracts within 48h, and in the intestinal tracts within 72h after challenge. Whereas, challenge organisms increased in the blood and each organ of non-vawinated Ssh in course of time, reaching from 105 to 107 cells/g or ml 72h after challenge.
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