Coil Planet Centrifuge (CPCシステム) による放射線損傷赤血球の膜浸透圧抵抗の一評価
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The fragility of irradiated erythrocytes from healthy adults was examined using a CPC (coil planet centrifuge) system.<BR>The osmotic resistance in the normal erythrocytes was calculated to be 107.8±4.1 mOsM at the minimum hemolytic point and 70.8±5.2 mOsM at the maximum hemolytic point.<BR>The minimum and maximum hemolytic points in the irradiated erythrocytes for 1000 rad were calculated to be 104.9±2.7 and 71.0±1.1 mOsM, 110.2±4.2 and 72.0±1.7mOsM for 3000 rad and 112.7±4.1 and 75.3±3.2 mOsM for 6000 rad, respectively.<BR>On the other hand, morphological changes such as swelling, radial or sugerplum structures and a lost hollow in the irradiated erythrocytes gradually increased following the radiation dose.<BR>A simple and high precision method in the examination of the osmotic resistance of irradiated erythrocytes was found in the CPC system.
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- Coil Planet Centrifuge (CPCシステム) による放射線損傷赤血球の膜浸透圧抵抗の一評価