Analysis of Polypharmacy-Structure of Chinese Medical Prescription (I):Multidimensional Scaling
- 論文の詳細を見る
Chinese medical prescriptions usually have one or more herbs in common, enabling the intra-relation of the prescriptions to be analysed. Computer science provides the methodology with which the analysis of the polypharmacy-structure of the chinese medical presciption can be undertaken, and it is that methodology with which we are concerned in this report.<BR>Data should be collected in following 4 aspects: 1) the subject as doctor, school, country, etc. 2) classical and modern publications. 3) individual herbs contained in the prescriptions. 4) classical and modern concepts of disease.<BR>Such data should then be analysed in either of 2 ways: 1) M-D-SCAL (Kruskal), <I>quantification of the fourth type</I> (Hayashi), when similarities are made. 2) <I>quantification of the third type</I> (Hayashi) for 2-mode data. And graphing of the results will facilitate.<BR>Thanks to the technologic progress, calculations are made by micro computer.
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