肝疾患におけるお血の病態 (第1報) : 因子分析・重回帰分析を中心として
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The functional analysis of the “Oketsu syndrome” in liver disease (68 cases) was described, using the Multivariate Analysis, which was the Factor Analysis, Multiple step-wise regressive Analysis and so on. The subjective symptoms and the objective symptoms were divided into six groups of factors using the Factor Analysis and named as follows.<BR>the first axis: signs observed on the surface of the body<BR>the second axis: the degree of glow<BR>the third axis: the degree of tenderness in the lower abdomen<BR>the fourth axis: the tension in the hypochondrium<BR>the fifth axis: signs of portal hypertension<BR>the sixth axis: oral symptoms<BR>The overall scales (the degree of the “Oketsu syndrome, ” the general evaluation and the efficacy) were analyzed using the Multiple step-wise regressive Analysis.<BR>It showed that the degree of the “Oketsu syndrome” correlated to the third axis (signs observed on the surface of the body) in the second place.<BR>The general evaluation also correlated strongly to the third axis. And details of this should be further studied by the laminate analysis.<BR>Up this time, laboratory data were not included in this Multivariate Analysis. From the point of view of the correlation coefficient, the finding from laboratory tests showed no correlation to the third axis. There was a high incidence of correlation between the signs in the first axis and the Hepaplastin Test.<BR>A high correlation between the Phosphatidyl Inositol in the membrane of red cells and the degree of the “Oketsu syndrome” as well as the efficacy should be given attention. We should further study the relation between their cause and effect.
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