社団法人 日本東洋医学会 | 論文
- 宮崎県における病院婦長の漢方医学認識度について
- Analysis of Polypharmacy-Structure of Chinese Medical Prescription (II):Concerning "Shimotsu-to rui"
- A Trial for the Modernization of Kampo-Medicine (9):Studies on Fundamental Patterns of the Herbal Composition of the Decoction in the "Shang Han Lun recopied in the Koji (Kan Chih) Period"
- Analysis of Polypharmacy-Structure of Chinese Medical Prescription (I):Multidimensional Scaling
- 漢方医学における心とからだ
- 腎炎の中医学的考察
- The Present Situation of The Acceptance of Japanese Physiotherapy and Its Health Research
- Application of Semantic Differential Methods to Pulse Diagnosls (the 1st Report):A Scientific Study on Clinical Oriental Medicine
- The Clinical Evaluation of HOCHUEKKITO for Chronic Hepatitis
- 老人患者のイレウス合併に対する漢方薬治療の経験
- Two Cases Well Treated with "Sansonin-To"
- 尾張藩医宗浅井家の業績と国幹の「告墓文」について
- Effect of Kamisyoyo-Powder on Patients with Chronic Hepatitis
- Our Experience of Treatment of Eleven Cases with Psoriasis vulgaris
- The Treatment of Oriental Medicine for Chronic Liver Disease
- 曲直瀬道三の医学について
- 東洋医学物療系の臨床科学化に関する研究--熱鍼療法の基礎的臨床的研究
- 肥満症に対する中医学の耳圧療法の効果について
- 漢方薬の薬理学的解明
- ひたすらに漢方