“非定型抗酸菌” 分類の現況
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In the past ten years, classification. of mycobacteria, especially of “atypical acid-fast bacilli” which have not been classified, has remarkably developed. Recently most of the strains of mycobacteria of this type may be given a separate species name. Also, the pathogenic behaviour of each species to man was clarified. Contributions of the International Working Group of Mycobacterial Taxonomy (IWGMT) to the development of study in this area were really great. In this paper the present status of classification of “atypical mycobacteria” was reviewed.<BR>For convenience <I>genus</I> Mycobacterium may be divided into three groups: slow growers, rapid growers and a group of organisms which have special growth requirements or have not been cultivated in vitro. Description of the species in each group was made. Among the slow growers, species of settled disposition are: <I>Mycobacterium kansasii, M. marinurn, M. scrofulaceum (M. marianum), M. gordonae, M. avium, M. xenopi, M. ulcerans and M. gastri.</I> Taxa needed further investigations in order to recognize as an established species are: <I>M. simiae, M. asiaticum, M. szulgai, M. paraffinicum, M. terrae, M. nonchromogenicum, M. triviale, M. shimoidei and M. intracellulare.</I> Among the rapid growers, species of settled disposition are: <I> M. fortuitum, M. smegmatis, M. phlei, M. flavescens, M. vaccae</I> and <I>M. chitae</I>. Species of unsettled dispositionare: <I>M. chelonei (M. borstelense), M. chelonei</I> subsp. <I>abscessus (M. abscessus), M. peregrinum, M. salmoniphilum, M.farcinogenes, M. lacticola, M. parafortuitum, M. diernhoferi, M. aurum, M. neoaurum, M. aichiense, M. obuense, M. tokaiense, M. rhodesiae, M. duvalii, M. gilvum, M. gadium</I> and <I>M. thermoresistibile</I>. Two species, <I>M. paratuberculosis</I> and <I>M. lepraemurium</I>, belonging to a group of organisms which have special growth requirements are needed further studies to be established.<BR>Future research projects on the classification of mycobacteria are presented: standardization of biochemical tests; establishment of definition of <I>genus</I> Mycobacterium from the related taxa; studies on speciation of <I>genus</I> Mycobacterium; studies on the characteristics useful for definition of genus Mycobacterium; immunological studies, especially analysis of each test in relation to its possible value at different taxonomic levels viz.: generic, subgeneric, specific, subspecific, and infraspecific; taxonomic studies of new or problem species, and so on.<BR>The International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology has adopted 1980 as the year for starting bacterial nomenclature anew, eliminating the need for search of prior literature in nomenclatural problems. Its Subcommittee on Mycobacteria is trying to complete the necessary works for this purpose. By that time the taxonomic problems remained are dissolved and further progress of classification of mycobacteria is expected.
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