破傷風毒素産生について : 第1報 破傷風毒素産生用ペプトンフリー培地について 特に牛心臓浸出液の意義について
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There have been a numerous reports regarding the severe reactions after the inoculation of tetanus toxoid, specially after its second one. A part of its causes is considered due to such ingredients proteose or peptone of the original toxin media, of which there have been many reports. We have already reported the formula of P-II-Medium, which is simplified in its preparation and conposition for the production of high level of tetanus toxin in routine use (Table 1), while having such strong allergic substances as peptone and heart infusion in its ingredients. This report is primarily concerned with the production of high potent toxin of the peptone-free medium, eliminated allergic substances of high molecular in P-II-Medium and substituted by allergic-free substances of lower molecular (i.e. casein-acid-hydrolysate and heart infusion dialysate) Following are the ingredients for new medium (CHD): Casein-acid-hydrolysate, heart infusion dialysate, tyrosine, tryptophane, cystine as main nitrogen sources, Vitamins: uracil, Ca-pantothenate, pyridoxine-HCl, thiamine-HCl, nicotinic acid, riboflavine, biotin, Metals: Zn SO47 H2O, MnCl2 4 H2O, Salts: NaCl, Na2HPO4, MgSO4 KH2PO4 other ingredients: Adenine-sulfate or adenine-HCl N-Acetyl-Histidine, glutathione, creatine, (folic acid), glucose and reduced iron. (Table 9).The new medium constantly produces the potent tetanus toxin (20-40Lf/ml). It will contribute to prophylaxis for tetanus particularly for the adult, and in its turn to the public health in general.
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