- 論文の詳細を見る
Fifty-two patients treated for salivary gland tumor in our hospital during the past 18 years from 1971 to 1989 were studied in this article.<BR>1. This study included 6 males and 11 females with benign and 15 males and 20 females with malignant, indicating that females have a higher frequency than males.<BR>2. Their mean age was 42.2 years old with benign and 53.2 with malignant, when the diagnosis were made.<BR>3. 17 cases of benign tumors were all plemorphic adenoma. Of malignant tumors, 12 were adenocystic carcinoma, 9 malignant pleomorphic adenoma, 8 mucoepidermoid tumor, 3 acinic cell tumor, 2 squamous cell carcinoma, and one undifferentiated carcinoma.<BR>4. These tumors arose in the major salivary glands in 17 patients (10 submandibular gland, 6 parotid gland, and 1 sublingual gland) and in minor salivary glands in 35 (21 palate, 8 buccal mucosa, 4 retromolar, 1 floor of the mouth, and 1 lip).<BR>5. Swelling was the most common symptom presented. Pain, ulcer, jaw trismus, and sensory nerve disturbance had a much greater frequency in cases of malignant tumors.<BR>6. Treatment result of previously untreated malignant epithelial tumors of the major and minor salivary gland were analysed with respect to stage, treatment modality and histology.<BR>(1) The 5-year cumulative survival rate was 93.8% in stages I and II and 40.5% in stages III and IV. The 10-year cumulative survival rate was 93.8% in stages I and II and 13.5% in stages III and IV.<BR>(2) The treatment modality which included surgery (S, S+C, S+C+R) had better prognosis than chemo and radiotherapy (C+R).<BR>(3) The 5-year and 10-year cumulative survival rates were found to be as follows: mucoepidermoid tumor 85.7% and 71.4%, respectively: adenoid cystic carcinoma both 78.6%: malignant pleomorphic adenoma 62.2% and 46.6% respectively.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
濱田 驍
領家 和男
岡本 和己
道田 章仁
吉田 浩紀
斉藤 鉄郎
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- 舌に発生した紡錘細胞癌の1例
- 肺合併症を伴った頬骨上顎骨骨折に対しハローベストによる顎外牽引を行った1例
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- 重複悪性腫瘍の2例ならびに文献的考察
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- 上顎洞細網肉腫の1例
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- 基底細胞母斑症候群の2例
- 嚢胞性リンパ管腫の1例 : OK-432の局注療法とチンキャップの応用
- シクロスポリン投与患者における歯肉増殖症の発現とシクロスポリン投与量および口腔衛生状態の関連について
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- 下唇に生じた非定型アスペルギルス症の1例
- 下顎骨中心性癌の1例ならびに文献的考察
- von Willebrand病患者の抜歯経験と止血管理上の問題点
- 結核性リンパ節炎の1例
- IgG4関連疾患との鑑別を要した口底および舌下腺 reactive lymphoid hyperplasia の1例
- Study of oral and other tissue distribution of cefbuperazone(CBPZ).
- 舌扁平苔癬の悪性化例ならびに文献的考察
- A case of amyloidosis associated with multiple myeloma which complains of tumor formation at submental region.
- 下顎骨に発生した動脈瘤性骨嚢胞の1例
- タイトル無し
- 唾液腺腫瘍52症例の臨床的検討
- Pharmacokinetic studies on distribution of Latamoxef(LMOX) to oral tissues of human.
- 下顎骨に発生した硬化性血管腫の1例および文献的考察
- A case of a congenital fibrolipoma of the median region of the maxilla.
- A case of large simple bone cyst of the mandible.
- 迷入した魚骨を核として形成された耳下腺管内唾石の1例
- A case of primary malignant melanoma of the parotid gland.
- Clinical evaluation of Cefmetazole (CMZ) in the field of oral surgery.
- Metastatic embryonal carcinoma of upper and lower gingiva; A report of case and its review of the literature.
- 皮膚の Becker 母斑を伴った舌の孤立性神経線維腫の1例
- 習慣性顎関節脱臼に対する関節結節増量術の経験-ハイドロキシアパタイトブロックの応用
- A case of the organ limited amyloidosis in both cheeks.
- 歯科用金属アレルギーが原因と思われた頬粘膜形質細胞肉芽腫の1例
- Clinical study of mouth cleaning solutions in the elderly bedridden in-patients.
- 下顎骨に広範囲に進展した中心性歯原性線維腫の1例