Clinical study of mouth cleaning solutions in the elderly bedridden in-patients.
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The aim of oral hygiene of elderly bedridden in-patients is to reduce the excessive growth of fungal pathogens in the gastrointestinal flora.<BR>The clinical effect of mouth care for 30 days of elderly bedridden patients in Yokawa Hospital of Hyogo was examined in this study.<BR>The change of Candida colonization before and after mouth care was checked as the oral hygiene index.<BR>Patients were put into A, B and C groups according to the mouth cleaning solutions used.<BR>A. Azulene group (male 9 and female 18, mean age 79.0 years)<BR>B. Fungizone syrup<SUP>®</SUP> (1mg/m<I>l</I>) group (male 8 and female 17, mean age 78.4 years)<BR>C. Saliva Orthana<SUP>®</SUP> (Orthana Ltd., Denmark) group (male 8 and female 19, mean age 77.2 years)<BR>Saliva Orthana<SUP>®</SUP> is a mucin-containing saliva substitute and was used as one of the oral cleaning drugs.<BR>The detection rate of Candida albicans and Torulopsis glabrata before and after mouth care in B and C groups was compared with that of A group. Decreasing coefficients in Candida albicans (K<SUB>A</SUB>) and Torulopsis glabrata (K<SUB>T</SUB>) were calculated using the following respective equation<BR>K<SUB>A</SUB> or K<SUB>T</SUB> (Detection rate (%) in B (C) group before mouth care)-(detection are (%) in B (C) group after mough care)/(Detection rate (%) in A group before mouth care)-(detection rate (%) in A group after mouth care)<BR>The results were as follows:<BR>1) K<SUB>A</SUB> in B group was 2.2 and KA in C group was 1.0.<BR>2) K<SUB>T</SUB> in B group was 5.4 and K<SUB>T</SUB> in C group was-2.0.<BR>3) The most effective method of oral hygiene was to use Fungizone syrup<SUP>®</SUP> 1mg/ml. Saliva Orthana<SUP>®</SUP> proved to be of benefit for suppression of the excessive growth of genus Candida except Torulopsis glabrata.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- Clinical study of mouth cleaning solutions in the elderly bedridden in-patients.