- 論文の詳細を見る
Morphological features of the surfaces of juvenile leaves, flowers and young developing fruits were examined with a clone of satsuma mandarin (Nankan No. 4) by scanning electron microscopy. The surface of unpollinated stigma was covered with a number of mature and immature papiliary cells. The stigma of satsuma mandarin, being classified in the 'wet stigma' category, excreted some mucilaginous substances at the base of papillary cells even before pollination.Normal anthers consisted of four lobes of which the epidermal layers were creased, giving an appearance of much wrinkled surface. The distance between two adjacent grooves on the anther surface was about 20μm. Mature anthers were fairly swollen and the lobe junctions were somewhat grooved, whereas immature ones were tapered at their tips. Filaments were united with one another at their bases, thus forming 'fasciated stamens'.Oblong epidermal cells of the petals were about 15μm wide and oriented regularly in the longitudinal direction. The longitudinal junction of adjacent epidermal cells was clearly defined under the microscope. The transverse junction, however, was more or less indistinct because of gradual transition from one cell to another.Accompanied by greening of the ovary rind, stomata were formed in its epidermal tissues. The stomatal areas of the rind consisted of 2 guard and 6 to 7 subsidiary cells. These areas were raised above the epidermal surface of surrounding areas. In the juvenile stage, the epidermal cells of fruits were oriented regularly in the longitudinal direction though they became irregular with the progress of time.In juvenile leaves, however, large-sized solitary stomata (giant stomata) surrounded by a number of normal-sized ones were dispersed sporadically all over the surface. Unlike the young fruit, stomatal areas were not raised above the leaf surface.
- 園藝學會の論文
白石 雅也
松本 和夫
繁桝 昭博
永谷 隆
日立製作所, 邦珂工場
永谷 隆
日立製作所 那珂工場応用技術部
鈴木 理憲
ウ キヨウタン
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