Effect of Refining Process on the Content of Sterylglycosides and Alcohols in Palm Oil
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The fate of sterylglycosides and alcohols as minor constituents in palm oil was investigated at different refining steps of physical (RBD) and chemical (NBD) refining processes using an HPLC method. The minor constituents included non-acylated (NASG) and acylated (ASG) sterylglycosides, and esters of phytol (PYH), dihydrophytol (DHP), geranylgenaniol (GG) and aliphatic alcohol (AA). The contents of these compounds were estimated for the used bleaching earths and deodorization distillates resulting from the two processes as well as in the soapstock from NBD. NASG and ASG were most effectively removed by alkali neutralization. Subsequent bleaching and deodorization process removed mostly residual sterylglycosides and alcohols. RBD processed oils contained higher amounts of ASG, which was considered to be a hypochloresterolemic substance, compared to NBD processed oils. These results indicated that the ASG level in palm oils could be used to differentiate between the RBD and NBD processes.
- Japan Oil Chemists' Societyの論文
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- Effect of Refining Process on the Content of Sterylglycosides and Alcohols in Palm Oil