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It is well known that the distribution of the heights of marine terraces shows the late Quaternary crustal movements. The information for crustal movements during the Quaternary is also obtained from the heights of summit planes on hills, the geologic structure of Neogene formations and the geodetic data. The east coast of Matsumae Peninsula was investigated to clarify the type, amount and rate of Quaternary crustal movements through the distribution of the heights of marine terraces and summit planes on hills, the geologic structure of Neogene formations and the geodetic data. The geomorphological and geological studies in this region permit the following conclusions.<BR>1) The whole region tends to uplift during the Quaternary; the amount of uplift during whole Quaternary is about 250-300m on both the Kamiiso Uplift Block and Matsumae Uplift Block, about 200m in Kikonai Sedimentary Province.<BR>2) The folding with 3 km of wave length and the local semi-doming have been continuously active in the east part of this region after terraces were formed. The center of uplift has also moved eastward during the late Pleistocene.<BR>3) The geologic faults and new faults which run on the eastside of the Kikonai Fault at the eastern border of the Esashi Uplift Block and the Ohirakawa Fault at the western border of the Kamiiso Uplift Block have been rather active after the middle Pleistocene.<BR>Assuming the ages of marine terraces, summit planes on hills and Neogene formations, it seems that the rate of uplift has increased after the summit planes on hills were formed.
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