Hypothalamic-Pituitary Functions in Patients with Idiopathic Pituitary Dwarfism
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To investigate hypothalamic-pituitary functions and the primary site of the lesion in idiopathic pituitary dwarfism, various pituitary function tests, especially the pituitary hormone responses to the hypophysiotropic hormones were studied in 23 patients with idiopathic pituitary dwarfism. A few cases showed slight responses of GH to GH stimulation tests. Gonadotropin deficiencies were most frequently noted among pituitary hormones. The basal levels and the responses of plasma LH and FSH to LH-RH test were diminished markedly in all of the cases except in 5 cases with isolated GH deficiency. Responses of LH and FSH to LH-RH improved markedly after a long term administration of LH-RH for a period of one month in 2 patients with gonadotropin deficiency. As to TSH axis, half of the cases accompanied hypothyroidism.However, the responses of TSH to TRH were normal in all of the cases regardless of the thyroid function. The basal levels and the responses of plasma cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol to the rapid metopirone test were also impaired in about half of the cases. Basal levels of plasma prolactin were normal in all of the cases and the responses of prolactin to TRH were normal in cases with normal thyroid function, but slightly delayed in cases with hypothyroidism. It is concluded from the above observations that the incidences of various pituitary hormone deficiencies were quite high in this disorder and hypophysiotropic hormone deficiencies may cause pituitary hormone deficiencies. Therefore, it is suggested that the primary site of the lesion in this disorder might be at the hypothalamus.
- 社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
出村 黎子
Demura Hiroshi
Dept. Of Intern. Med. Tohoku Univ. Sch. Of Med.
Demura Reiko
The Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Womens Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College
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