Combination immunotherapy with OK-432 and rG-CSF in experimental hepatic tumor.
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Antitumor effects of combination therapy with OK-432 (streptococcal preparation) and rG-CSF (recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) were examined in experimental hepatic tumor using mice. The mean survival time of mice treated with OK-432 and rG-CSF treatment was significantly prolonged as compared with that of untreated control mice. This combination therapy significantly inhibited tumor growth 20 days after implantation of the tumor cells. Tumor size was markedly reduced by administration of CDDP (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II)) and rIL-2 (recombinant interleukin-2) in addition to this combination therapy. As to histological change of the tumor, moderate tumor necrosis and inflammatory cells infiltration were observed in mice treated with OK-432 and rG-CSF 20 days after the implantation. The inflammatory cells were mainly composed of neutrophils. Additional administration of CDDP and rIL-2 enhanced the extent of inflammatory cells infiltration. These findings indicate that combined treatment with OK-432 and rG-CSF enhances the antitumor effects of OK-432 through the inflammatory cells infiltrating into the tumor, as well as direct cytocidal action.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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