Pathogenic Vibrio Isolated from Cultured Eels—II:Physiological Characteristics and Pathogenicity
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In the previous report biochemical characteristics of an isolate from a vibriosis in eels were presented and the taxonomic status of the isolate was discussed, though a definite conclusion could not be drawn. In this paper, physiological characteristics and pathogenicity of the organism are described.<BR>The experimental results are summarized as follows.<BR>1) Effects of sodium chloride, temperature and pH on the growth of the organism: It grew in nutrient broth at NaCl 0.1-4% (optimum range 1-2%), and in peptone water at temperatures from 18°C to 39°C (optimum 30-35°C) and at pH 6-10.<BR>2) Pathogenicity to eel (Anguilla japonica) and mouse: The organism injected intramuscularly killed eels at 18, 20 and 26°C, but not at 15°C. It also killed mice.<BR>These results coincide with the fact that the vibriosis due to the organism prevails mainly in brackish-water ponds and at the water temperatures above 18°C.
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