Efficacy of Instruction for Gait Correction in Disequilibrium Rehabilitation
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In order to theoretically establish a rehabilitation method for patients suffering from sequelae due to vestibular dysfunction, an instruction for gait correction has been prepared and its efficacy was examined in terms of subjective symptoms and objective findings with the use of a simplified and portable type of gaitcorder.<BR>Correction instructions were given to eight patients with sequelae due to vestibular dysfunction due to different causes. They had been unable to return to normal social activity before the appropriate correction instructions. However, within 1 to 3 months the efficacy of this gait correction rehabilitation was observed, and all eight patients recovered and eventually returned to normal social activity. The usefulness of this gait correction was confirmed.<BR>The simplified gaitcorder used in this study is easy to carry and was proved to be useful in terms of temporal and distance factors in gait analysis.
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