- 論文の詳細を見る
To observe the difference in the behavior of the inner ear blood vessels between right and left sides seems to be one of the important approaches for understanding the functional correlation between the vestibular labyrinth and the autonomic nervous system.From this view point the authors made a biauricular plethysmograph and carried out experiments to get information whether it reflects or not the behavior of the inner ear blood vessels. The results obtined are as follows.1) When contact stimuli were applied to the lateral epipharyngeal mucosa on one side, there occurred difference of various patterns in A.P.G. (Auricular Plethysmograph) amplitude between right and left sides.2) The vertical writing with eyes covered (Fukuda) during occurrence of the difference was found to deviate towards the side of larger amplitude, the direction being independent of the pattern of difference.3) In the case of the difference by change of one side amplitude, auditory fatigue showed a rapid recovery in the phase of increase and a slow recovery in that of decrease. If there occurred no recognizable amplitude change, the rate of recovery was not differnt from the normal.4) If, in cases of the cervical syndrom, the difference was brought about by altering the head orientation in reference to the trunk, there was seen the cervico-vascular induced nystagmus which was towards the side of larger amplitude.The results above may be understood by assuming the auricular plethysmogram to reflect the behovior of the inner ear blood vessels under autonomic nervous control, indicating that the further application of bi-auricular plethysmography may be possible to the study of the problems involving, autonomic nerve functions.
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