平衡失調リハビリのための歩行分析 : (1) 健康成人の成績
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Rehabilitation programs for patients with dizziness or dysequilibrium have been established empirically, so conventional rehabilitation programs have no theoretical support.<BR>In order to improve rehabilitation programs in the treatment of dizziness or dysequilibrium caused by various diseases, we studied an approach which is specifically selected to the cause of dizziness or dysequilibrium. A gait test was employed in our study, since walking is one of the fundamental activities of daily life. On a large floor with a dynamometer we tested the free gait of 125 healthy adults between 18 and 86 years of age. Multiple-step sampling was taken to find a tridirectional reaction force wave and a locus of bidirectional point of application force in order to analyze two factors; time-distance factor (velocity, stride, step width and cadence) and gaiting figure factor (symmetry, reappearance, smoothness and sway).<BR>The results indicated that the measured values of each parameter were inappropriate as a standard value due to great individual differences in eight parameters and statistically significant differences in sex and age. Nevertheless, this approach might be applicable to monitoring the process of gait development.<BR>Next we studied the correlation of these eight parameters, and found that certain combinations showed an absolute correlation, and other combinations showed no correlation regardless of sex or age. In particular, one parameter, cadence, correlated well with the other seven parameters and fulfilled the requirements of a standard.<BR>Therefore, cadence, which is deliberately controllable, was selected as the best parameter for practical use in rehabilitation programs.
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- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 平衡失調リハビリのための歩行分析 : (1) 健康成人の成績
- 1.前庭感覚上皮の受傷性について/2.耳中毒性薬物による内耳病変/3.免疫学的手法による実験的平衡障害/4.前庭性外直筋活動について/5.平衡機能検査成績の経過観察/6.メニエール病長期観察例より得たる知見
- 前庭器管の基礎的研究一般演題/頭位,頭位変換眼振の診断的意義/自発眼振におよぼす前庭性,視運動性刺激の影響-その1-/自発眼振におよぼす前庭性視運動性刺激の影響-その2-/温度検査と回転検査の成績が解離した場合の診断的意義/前庭器官の基礎的研究 シンポジウム(1)[生理]/前庭器官の基礎的研究 シンポジウム(II)[形態・生化学]/前庭器官の基礎的研究 シンポジウム(III)[病態]/CPC/展示
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- タイトル無し
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