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A female infant with complete cleft palate with a large tumor protruding from the mouth was reported. This tumor was covered with skin and was found to arise from roof of the nasal cavity through the palatal cleft. Complete removal of the tumor was performed at about i month of ages without any complication.Histological examination revealed that the tumor consisted of skin, fatty tissue, striated muscle, mucous membrane and bone, and the so-called epignathus was diagnosed.The pathogenesis of this tumor is still unknown and its classification is rather complicated. However, based on both microscopic and macroscopic findings of the tumors which have been reported in the literature, we considered that socalled epignathus could be devided into the following two groups. .1. Nasopharyngeal teratomatous tumors including dermoid, teratoid tumor and true teratoma, which is caused by dislocation of the embryonic tissue into the pharynx.2. Genuine Epiganathus which contains imcomplete extremities, fingers or differentiated organs. It is a kind of unmatured double monster and caused by dislocation of a germ at twin formation.From the view point of our classification above-mentioned, the case reported in this paper should be called, in strict means, nasopharyngeal teratoma.Cleft palate, which combines very rarely with nasopharyngeal teratoma, suggests the migration of embroryonic tissue into the nasopharynx at the very early stage of fetal life before the union of the bilateral palates.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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