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To examine the role of the tensor veli palatini muscle in palatal movement, the following two experiments were conducted. 1) Palatal movement induced by electrical stimulation of the tensor muscle was measured quantitatively in dogs and monkeys, utilizing a force transducer. 2) Through radiographic and cineradiographic methods, palatal movements were examined before and after the surgery in human subjects who underwent transection of the tensor muscle for the treatment of severe patent tube. The results were: 1) Tensor stimulation did not produce any palatal movement, but resulted in consistent opening of the Eustachian tube. 2) Transection of the tensor muscle caused no change in either shape or mobility of the palate during phonation and swallowing. It was concluded that the tensor plays no role in the palatal function. Consequently, we proposed that the muscle must be called "tubal" muscle rather than "palatal" muscle.
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