- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to study the detailed mechanism of the middle ear muscle reflex, especially the role of the tensor tympani muscle in the reflex, simultaneous recordings of both the middle ear impedance and the external ear pressure were performed in 100 normal ears. Acoustic stimulation to the contralateral ear and air-jet stimulation to the ispilateral eye which mainly produced the tensor reflex, were applied in this study. Each ten reflex waves was averaged by a medical computer. The results were as follows;1) acoustic stimulation provoked inward movement of the ear drum in 52% of subjects, outward one in 25% and biphasic one in 23%. Thus, there was no consistent direction in the movement of the ear drum caused by the acoustic stimulation, suggesting participation of the tensor tympani muscle in the acoustic reflex.2) air-jet stimulation to the eye produced inward displacement of the drum in 85%, which indicated marked contribution of the tensor muscle to this reflex. However, it was revealed that air-jet stimulation had a little effect upon impedance change of the drum.3) latency of the reflex measured by external ear pressure was considerably shorter thant hat measured by impedance method.
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