- 論文の詳細を見る
Validity of the middle ear muscle reflex in diagnosis of facial palsy was examined in 36 patients with acute peripheral facial palsy. Averaged middle ear muscle reflex and the ear canal pressure were measured consecutively in the course of the palsy together with other tests (EM, evoked EMG and NET) and score of the palsy. It was revealed that the reflex value correlated closely with both the score of palsy and the value of evoked EMG. Thus, measurement of the middle ear muscle reflex was found to be simple but reliable enough for evaluation of the degree and prognosis of facial palsy.Although the method has inherent difficulties in descriminating the participation of the tesor tympani muscle activity and in disclosing weak or false negative activity, simultaneous recordings of impedance and canal pressure seemed to be promising for the solution of these problems.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
本庄 巌
松井 博史
中山 堯之
三苫 藤吉郎
本庄 巌
松井 博史
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