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Alinamin is routinely used for the intravenous olfaction test. We attempted to elucidate whether Alinamin F, which has a less pungent odor than Alinamin may be used. Results were as follows;1) There were no significant differences in both latent time and duration time between 10mg of Alinamin and Alinamin F. Alinamin F seemed to have a 1/10-1/100 fold stronger odor.2) In patients with olfactory-related disturbances, the test (latent time and duration time) with Alinamin F corresponded to these factors seen with Alinamin at a rate of 60%.3) Many patients made a good prognosis, even if the duration time with Alinamin F was 20 sec. or less.4) The prolonged time seen with Alinamin F seemed to account for the effective treatment.Thus, Alinamin F may be used for evaluating the prognosis and effects of treatment, in combination with Alinamin.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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