Galvanic testの研究 : 加速度記録図法による電気性頭部動揺の観察とGalvanogramの表現
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The purpose of this investigation is to establish a galvanic test as qualitative and quantitative estimation method for the human equilibrium and to analyse mechanism of maintenance of equilibrium First, the intensity of galvanic stimulation is set-tled to be weak enough not to irritate the skin where the (bipolar and bi-retroauricular) electrodes are placed but to be strong enough to make a sway and falling reaction when the subject stands in Manns position. A 10 second stimulation of 0.25 mA does not usually cause the swaying or falling reaction in normal subjects; 0.5mA stimulation makes the half of them fall;1.0mA stimulation induces to fall quickly in most of all examinees. Secondly, recording of the swaying or falling movements caused by galvanic stimulation are performed by means of acceleration registration technique (Accelerometer→Strain meter→Oscillograph). The falling times are plotted and expressed on the graphic scale which is similar to the "Calorigram", as author names it as "Galvanogram".Otherwise, analyses of the curves of GAR are made as follows; 1) direction of swaying or falling movements of the body; 2) pattern of swaying, such as i) "initial wave", ii) upward or downward deflection, and iii) falling pattern.Twenty healthy adults are examined and thefollowing results are obtained;1) Short and small "initial wave to the cath-ode" is first observed on GAR immediately after galvanic stimulation (0.5mA_??_1.0mA, 3_??_5V), which usually appears at least within one second after stimulation is given.2) Following immediately after the initial wave, swaying movements to the anode appear. Swaying and/or falling movements to the anode are almost always induced by 1.0mA stimulation. Meanwhile, neither the stimulation of 0.25mA ind-uces any remarkable sway of the body nor "initial wave" on GAR.3) No significant difference of falling time or GAR pattern between the stimulation given to the left and to the right is observed statistically in every different intensities of timulation.4) Average of falling time are 8.3 seconds in 0, 25mA stimulation: 4.4 seconds in 0.5mA; and 1.9 sec in 1.0mA stimulation. 5) Accelerations of the head movements thro-ugh the course of examination are 0.018g in the Manns position when they close their eyes; 0.03g in the 0.25mA stimulation; 0.0568 in 0.5mA; and 0.1 to 0.12g at 1.0mA.6) No side effect or discomfortable reaction is observed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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