前庭神経炎類似動物モデル作成の試み : HSV-I再活性化
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Viral infection has been suggested to be one of the causes of vestibular neu-ronitis. In particular the possibility that reactivation of Herpes simplex virus (H SV) in vestibular ganglia can cause vestibular neuronitis has been suggested.<BR>In this study, we inoculated HSV-I into the middle ears of rats and guinea pigs. After the inoculation, 4 rats showed nystagmus. One of them showed head deviation to the inoculated side. We administered cyclophosphamide (CP) to 11 rats and 8 guinea pigs with no clinical symptoms after inoculation to reactivate HSV- I and to induce dysequilibrium, but, none of them developed show dysequi-librium. We examined their vestibular ganglia, trigeminal ganglia, cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem, using indirect immunofluoressence (IF) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Unfortunately, we could not detect HSV-I antigen by IF, but we could demonstrate HSV-I DNA by PCR in the vestibular ganglia of the rats. Reactivation of HSV-I was not shown, but latent infection with HSV-I was evident. Next, to reactivate HSV-I in vestibular ganglia and to induce dysequilibrium we will investigate the problem of the strain, the concentration of virus and the kinds of stimulation.
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