Mortality on Malignant Neoplasms of Lymphatic and Haematopoietic Tissue Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites in Japan.
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Recently, there have been several reports of increases of leukemia, especially childhood leukemia, in populations resident in the vicinity of nuclear installations. However, there is no information on cancer mortality of the people living near nuclear power stations in Japan. Therefore, we have studied the standardized mortality ratio of malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue near nuclear power plant sites in Japan.Data on the cancer mortality were obtained from the magnetic tapes of National Vital Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare, for years of 1973-1987. Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) of all leukemia, lymphoma, non-HODGKIN'S lymphoma, multiple myeloma and acute non-lymphatic leukemia was calculated for various age groups (0-14, 0-24 years and all ages) and different period (1973-1977, 1978-1982, 1983-1987 and 1973-1987) for each nuclear power plant site. The results showed that some of the studied population had higher rates of certain malignant neoplasms, and some had lower rates, either before or after the facilities came into operation. Our statistical analysis provided no evidence of any association between particular sites and increased cancer mortality rates.
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