Effects of Iodine Contrast Media on the Bone Marrow Colony Forming Units (CFUs) Following X-ray Irradiation in Mice
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The combined effects of an iodine contrast medium and X-rays on the number of colony forming units (CFUs) in mice bone marrow were examined in vitro and in vivo. No changes were observed in the number of CFUs per 10^5 nucleated bone marrow cells, when the contrast medium alone was added to bone marrow cell suspensions at concentration of 0.5 and 5.0%. X-irradiation of the suspensions above a dose of 50 R reduced the number of CFUs per 10^5 cells. The irradiation of the suspensions in the presence of the contrast medium produced further decrease in the number of CFUs per 10^5 cells, depending on the concentration of the medium used. No enhancement of the X-ray effect was observed when mice were injected with the contrast medium at a dosage 10 times higher than that used in X-ray diagnosis in man and irradiated immediately. Thus, the iodine contrast medium sensitized hematopoietic stem cells to X-rays in vitro but did not in vivo.
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