Painful Focal Sensory Seizure Arising from the Primary Somatosensory Cortex
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A 31-year-old, right-handed woman had frequent focal painful seizures involving the right hand without any movement. EEG demonstrated an ictal activity arising from the left centroparietal region. No cerebral structural abnormality was seen on MRI. Ictal single photon emission CT showed markedly increased activity in the left perirolandic cortex, which remained active following the ictal symptoms when the EEG seizure pattern had completely disappeared. It is concluded that the painful seizures in the present patient originated from the primary somatosensory cortex. The prolonged increase of regional blood flow in the perirolandic area may reflect the possibility of persistent subclinical epileptogenicity.(Internal Medicine 42: 875-879, 2003)
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文
- 2003-09-01
Sawamoto Nobukatsu
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Fukuyama Hidenao
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Saji Hideo
Departments of Neurology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Ikeda Akio
Departments Of Neurology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Terada Kiyohito
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Shibasaki Hiroshi
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Yazawa Shogo
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Fukuyama Hidenao
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Tanaka Mayako
Department Of Neurology Miyazaki Prefectural Hospital Of Nobeoka
Fukuyama Hidenao
Department Of Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Ikeda Akio
Department Of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
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