In Vivo Measurement of Presynaptic Zn^<2+> Release during Forebrain Ischemia in Rats(Pharmacology)
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Previous studies have suggested that during forebrain ischemia, considerable Zn^<2+> is released from synaptic vesicles of gultamatergic neuronal terminals and accumulates in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, leading to delayed neuronal death. However, since a time lag exists between the accumulation of Zn^<2+> and the occurrence of ischemia and there are conflicting reports about the amount of Zn^<2+> released, the level of released Zn^<2+> during ischemia in vivo is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the temporal change of extracellular Zn^<2+> in the hippocampal CA1 area using microdialysis and the accumulation of Zn^<2+> in hippocampal CA1 neurons with TSQ staining in rats with a transient forebrain ischemia. The level of extracellular Zn^<2+> in the CA1 area increased transiently reaching a peak 15 min after occlusion, then decreased with time, returning to the basal level 15 min after reperfusion. In addition, at this peak, the level of extracellular Zn^<2+> was about twice the basal level. Assessment of the intracellular Zn^<2+> in hippocampal neurons with TSQ revealed that Zn^<2+> accumulate at 24h, but not 0 and 6h after ischemia. These results suggest that, although the synaptic vesicular Zn^<2+> is released into the synaptic cleft during ischemia in vivo, the amount of released Zn^<2+> might not be so excessive, and it does not accumulate in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons immediately after ischemia.
- 2006-04-01
Saji H
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Saji Hideo
Saji Hideo
Department Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Saji Hideo
茨城県立医療大学 放射線技術科学
石井 靖
Saji Hideo
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
IIDA Yasuhiko
Department of Bioimaging Information Analysis, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Kitamura Youji
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
Saito Yutaka
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
ISHII Yasushi
Department of Radiology
Saito Y
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
Ida Yuko
Department Of Applied Pharmacology Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Universit
Ishii Yasushi
Third Division Dept. Of Internal Medicine And Nuclear Medicine
Iida Yasuhiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa Institute Of Technology
Kasuya F
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And High Technology Research Center Kobe Gakuin University
Kasuya Fumiyo
Department Of Toxicology Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobegakuin University
Kasuya Fumiyo
Laboratory Of Biochemical Toxicology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobegakuin University
Iida Y
Department Of Bioimaging Medical Sciences Gunma University
Iida Yasuhiko
Department Of Bioimaging Medical Sciences Gunma University
Iida Yasuhiko
Department Of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Igarashi Kazuo
Department Of Chemistry Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
Igarashi K
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And High Technology Research Center Kobe Gakuin University
Sakahara H
Department Of Radiology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Ohta Masayuki
Department Of Surgery I Oita University Faculty Of Medicine
Ohta Masayuki
Department Of Toxicology Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobegakuin University
Department of Patho-functional Bioanalysis, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Univer
Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
SAITO Yutaka
Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
Mifune Masaki
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry And Pharmaceutical S
Saji Hideo
Dep. Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Univ.
Kuge Yuji
Department Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Kitamura Youji
Department Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Sakahara H
Kyoto Univ. School Of Medicine
Kasuya Fumiyo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
Saji Hideo
Department Of Cardiology Matsushita Memorial Hosipital
Abe Jun
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Ohta Masayuki
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Hyogo College Of Medicine
Abe Jun
Department Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Abe Jun
Department Of Allergy And Immunology National Research Institute For Child Health And Development
Abe Jun
Department Of Agricultural And Environmental Biology Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Scienc
Ohta Masayuki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Saito Yutaka
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
Mifune Masaki
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
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