Cardiac Remodeling and Angiotensin II-Forming Enzyme Activity of the Left Ventricle in Hamsters with Chronic Pressure Overload Induced by Ascending Aortic Stenosis
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Cardiac remodeling and angiotensin II-forming enzyme activity of the left ventricle on chronic pressure overload were studied in male Syrian hamsters, whose chymase activity is similar to that of dogs. Pressure overload was achieved by banding at the ascending aorta (aortic stenosis). Echocardiography, histological analysis, and analysis of cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme and chymase-like activities were performed. At 10 weeks after banding, concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle was evident. At 20 weeks after banding, the ventricular weight-to-body ratio, cardiac fibrosis, and cardiac chymase-like activity were significantly increased, while cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was significantly decreased. This suggests that cardiac chymase, compared with cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme, was activated against the chronic pressure overload and was responsible for the cardiac remodeling through the formation of angiotensin II. Considering the utility of the rodents, the interspecies similarity of the Ang II-forming pathway, and the effect of chymase in the hamsters, the present model is considered useful for studies evaluating the effect of Ang II and chymase in the canine heart with chronic pressure overload.
Orito Kensuke
Department of Physiology II, School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University
Yamane Yoshihisa
Department Of Veterinary Surgery Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Shimizu Miki
Department Of Food And Human Health Sciences Graduate School Of Human Life Science Osaka City Univer
Department of Gastroenterology, Kanazawa Medical University
Department of Veterinary Surgery, Faculth of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
AOKI Ryoko
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology, Azabu University School of Veterinary Medicine
Orito Kensuke
Department of Pharmacology, Tohoku University School of Medicine
ORITO Kensuke
Department of Pharmacology, Azabu University School of Veterinary Medicine
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