Characteristics of Lectin Staining Patterns Assessed by a Modified Sensitive Thermo-Method in Rat Livers with Heterologous Serum-Induced Fibrosis.
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Lectins are sensitive probes which bind carbohydrate structures specifically. In this study, we modified the lectin staining procedure for sensitive detection of carbohydrate structures in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of normal and heterologous serum-induced fibrotic livers. The liver sections were heated in hot distilled water at 100°C for 10 min (thermo-treatment: TT), and then stained with 24 different lectins. In comparison with the results from sections without TT (nonTT), enhanced and/or alternated staining patterns of 19 lectins were demonstrated in sections with TT, and enhanced staining of Vicia villosa agglutinin seen in Kupffer cells was noted. Interestingly, no positive staining was seen with Dolichos biflorus agglutinin, peanut agglutinin or soybean agglutinin (SBA), which recognize O-linked carbohydrate chains, in Kupffer cells of non-TT sections, but strong positive staining was demonstrated in those of TT sections. SBA-positive staining in the cytoplasm of some scattered hepatocytes located in the periportal and perifibrous zones and central zone of pseudolobules was demonstrated only in the fibrotic liver sections with TT. Such findings indicate the heterogeneity of hepatocytes in the liver with fibrosis. Formalin fixation causes masking of lectin binding sites, especially O-linked carbohydrate chains, and TT may recover such masking reactions. TT improved the staining reactions for many lectins in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver sections, and new staining patterns appear after TT. Modified TT staining procedures may be useful for the diagnosis and prognosis of liver fibrosis.
- 公益社団法人 日本獣医学会の論文
Manabe Noboru
Unit Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Department Of Animal Sciences Kyoto University
Nagano Nobuo
Pharmaceutical Development Laboratories Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd.
FURUYA Yoshihiro
Pharmaceutical Development Laboratory
Miyamoto Hajime
Unit Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Department Of Animal Sciences Kyoto University
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory, Kirin Brewery Co.
Unit of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Animal Sciences, Kyoto University
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory, Kirin Brewery Co.
Unit of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Animal Sciences, Kyoto University
Unit of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Animal Sciences, Kyoto University
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