- 論文の詳細を見る
The oviduct and uterus provide the environment for the establishment of pregnancy. Among others, growth factor systems are involved in functional signaling interactions at the pre- and peri-implantation maternal-conceptus interface in pigs. Distinct regulation of epidermal growth factor Receptor (EGF-R), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGF-R) and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGF-R) systems and of bioactivation of EGF-R in porcine oviduct and endometrium during the estrous cycle, early pregnancy and during steroid replacement in ovariectomized gilts is summarized. Remarkable influences of ovarian steroids and EGF on the expression of specific markers of transcription and translation in these tissues are discussed. Known biological effects of the EGF, VEGF and FGF are related to cellular differentiation and angiogenesis. This suggests their involvement in the transformation of the endometrium into a decidua subsequently leading towards successful establishment of pregnancy. Peripheral steroids may exert their effects on epithelial cells both in a direct genomic manner or through mediators such as growth factors. The aim of our study was to draw specific attention to the paracrine regulation in the porcine endometrium especially during the implantation window.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
- 2004-06-01
Welter Harald
Manabe Noboru
Unit Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Department Of Animal Sciences Kyoto University
BRUSSOW Klaus-Peter
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals
Wollenhaupt Karin
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Reproductive Biology
Walter Harald
Institute of Physiology, FML Technical University Munich
Bruessow K‐p
Bruessow Klaus-peter
Welter Harald
Institute Of Physiology Technical University Of Munich
Welter Harald
Institute Of Physiology Technical University Munich
Einspanier Ralf
Institute Of Veterinary Biochemistry Free University Of Berlin
Wollenhaupt Karin
Leibniz Inst. For Farm Animal Biology (fbn)
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